Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So here goes, yet another attempt to record what seems to be an important (or at least quite different) step in my life with a blog. As a few people in the world can tell you, my previous attempts at entering the blogosphere have failed – somewhere in between tragically and pitifully – but tomorrow is always another day, and in the case of today, tomorrow is today. (follow?)

Those failures have taught me something though. When I started my first blog, freshman year of college, I didn’t really have material worth writing about. Nothing important to say. Sure, I thought that was going to be an earth-shattering period in my life, but it turns out that college changes you in slower, more subtle ways. When I went to Belgium and started blog “numero deux”, I tried to be too serious and use it more of a record of my travels/adventures across Europe. Sooner or later (actually, quite soon) that basically became work and it wasn’t fun to do….so I stopped doing it.

Basically the first time I had style (even if it was a little immature), and the second time I had substance, but I never had both.

So some might say (and that’s a great song), “Why try again?” “What makes this different from the other times?” Or maybe “Why am I still reading this?”

Because I want to see if I can actually keep on top of something like this

Because even if I don’t have anything worth writing about this time either; maybe I’ll be funny just often enough

so that you, dear reader (probably solitary reader) don’t notice.

So keep your eyes glued to the lookin’ screen…..we’re going on a ride.

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