Monday, June 22, 2009

Moral Majority FAIL

It appears that Pat Buchanan has some huevo on his face (again).

At a conference on Saturday, Buchanan and some fellow members of the "moral majority" were stumping for more English-only initiatves and spreading the fear that the Obama administration was going to make Spanish classes mandatory for all schools.

Problem is, they were doing so under a sign that was conspicuously mis-spelled.....sigh.....come on Republicans, you can do better than that.

Now, I'm no fan of learning Spanish (thats why I've never had a class in that particular language), and I generally would agree that if you live here, you need to be able to speak enough English to get by in public (though you can speak whatever you want in the privacy of your home or with others who speak the same language as you do), but I hate the assumption that just because you speak Spanish, everyone you encounter in retail or the general public should be able to do so too. Admittedly, there is a very small minority of people who make this assumption, but it still bothers me.

So when is the Republican Party going to dump these idiots that do nothing but shot themselves in the foot over and over again. Making this kind of a mistake makes everyone associated with them look bad and issues that should be taken seriously are laughed off as a result. Buchanan and his buddies have been allowed to overstay their welcome, its time for new ideas and new faces for American conservatism. please.

Before you can engage in a serious debate, you have to get your premises (or at least your signs) right.

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