Monday, June 22, 2009

Home is Where the Onion Smell is....

People have been asking me (no, they haven't), "Eric, what is your living situation like in Rochester?"

So I'll tell you.

I'm renting a single room apartment in an old house that has been carved up into (I think) 12 different apartments. It's honestly not easy to tell which doors are apartments and which are just random doors to no-where (like the second door in my room, cleverly hidden behind the dresser). It's at 125 Gibbs Street, and I'm apartment #9, in case anyone wants to visit.

There isn't very much remarkable about the room itself, besides the stench of onions that I was dealing with for the first week. Yes, onions. It really wasn't so bad once I was home for an hour or so, but when first walking in the door it would hit pretty hard.

Scientific tests concluded that the smell seemed to be coming from some kind of brown stain in the bottom of one of the two mini-fridges in the room (I'm only using the other mini-fridge), so I thought keeping the door shut and cranking the dial up as high as it would go might limit the odor.

By the weekend it was clear that plan A wasn't getting the job done, but plan B (a box of baking powder in the fridge and an air freshener in the room) seems to have adequately disarmed the stench, for now. I bought some Febreeze too, concerned that my clothes might be picking up that smell after basking in it for a week.

I sleep on a futon, I have the old mattress from the nook at school on my floor, and I have a desk that triples as a table for preparing/eating food, using my computer, and holding my keys/wallet/etc. All in all, its not a bad little place, but I wouldn't want to live here for more than a few months.

Oh, I'd post pictures of it.....except that my internet connection is pretty crappy and uploading photos would probably take a good hour or so -- time that I'm just not willing to spend.

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