Friday, June 19, 2009

Lets all find a job!

So here's something that should be of interest to my recently-recently-graduated-and-looking-for-a-job friends, (and lets face it, if anyone is reading this blog, that probably describes you).

Since we all know that we're not going to be able to recreate the experience of living together at college, maybe we should all choose one of the cities on this list just released by Business Week as the "Top cities for college grads to find jobs". The information is based on the number of employers posting for entry-level positions. It also takes into account the city's average pay, cost of living (as measured by the Consumer Price Index - which I have a major problem with because I think it uses New York City as its basis for comparison), and unemployment rate.

The list is 30 cities long, but thats way too much to analyze, so lets stick to the top 10. And now I'm going to narrow it down even more.

#1, Phoenix, is off the list (too hot!!!), as is #4 Atlanta (same reason).

Likewise, #3 is out the door because it's New York (The one place in the world I have sworn that I will NEVER live. I'd take a job in Baghdad before I'd take one in New York City, I don't care how much you want to pay me)

#8 is Columbus, Ohio, and its out because I really don't want to ever drive through Ohio again. And there's nothing around it.

So those are the only ones that are definitely out. Two others, Indianapolis (#2) and Boston (#10) outside possibilities. Indy is almost out for the same reason as Columbus, and Boston is almost out just because of Red Sox fans. (Seriously, Boston seems like a cool place to live, but only if we could go back in time and prevent the Red Sox from wining the World Series in 2004....there's a lesson in not fully understanding what you wanted. I, like alot of other people, were rooting for the Red Sox back then, not realizing what a monster we were going to create.)

That leaves 4 of the top 10 as distinct possibilities.

Denver (#5), which I know hardly anything about, but mountains are nice
Chicago (#6), rough winters, but its supposed to be alot of fun
Philadelphia (#7), gets my vote
Cincinnati (#9), definently the Dark Horse here, but it looks pretty, and its smaller than the others, so that could be good.

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