Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why I Hate New York: Coffee and Cigarettes

Want to hear a good story about what too much government can do?

Barclay Rex, a popular Wall Street smoking establishment, has been threatened with a fine (which could be as high as $2000) because the owner recently installed a coffee machine that he allows customers to use for free. In June, a Health department inspector noticed the machine and issued a citation because Barclay Rex does not have a permit to operate as a food-service establishment.

The kicker? If he obtains such a permit, his customers won't be allowed to smoke there anymore, because New York City does not allow smoking anywhere that serves food or beverages.

The owner, Vince Nastri III, makes a good point: "My gripe is that you can walk into a bank and get a free coffee. You can walk into a high-end jeweler and get a free coffee. You can even get one at the car wash, but you can't get one here"

Despite removing the machine on July 30th, he is still likely to be fined after his hearing next month.

I'm not a smoker, but I definitely feel for the way they have been abused by government on all levels (particularly in New York, where a pack of cigarettes now costs more than eight bucks) and for all different reasons. There's just something universally right about the pairing of coffee and cigarettes, but apparently that doesn't matter in New York City. Just one more reason it's the greatest city in the world (or maybe not).

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