Thursday, September 24, 2009

Practice the Second Amendment

Since Obama became President, millions of Americans have decided to patriotically practice the Second Amendment by adding to their own personal supply of firearms. Unfortunately, all those new gun purchases has created a bit of a shortage when it comes to bullets. The AP reports:

"Gun sales spiked when it became clear Obama would be elected a year ago and purchases continued to rise in his first few months of office. The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System reported that 6.1 million background checks for gun sales were issued from January to May, an increase of 25.6 percent from the same period the year before.

"That is going to cause an upswing in ammunition sales," said Larry Keane, senior vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association representing about 5,000 members. "Without bullets a gun is just a paper weight."

Correction, Mr. Keane, without bullets a gun is just a really cool paperweight.

Or it could be that a gun without bullets is your new carry-on, at least on Amtrak. The Senate voted on Wednesday to allow travelers to carry handguns in their luggage while traveling on America's system of passenger trains. Perhaps the most amazing thing about this is that it passed by a vote of 68-32, meaning that while the two parties can't seem to agree on much, there is apparently bi-partisan support for bringing guns on trains. Go figure.

Maybe they were thinking this will finally be the right kind of incentive for Amtrak to run their trains on time.

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