Thursday, September 3, 2009

100th Post!

There were really two reasons why I started this blog. Despite what you may think, neither was because I just needed to make myself feel more important by putting my opinions on the Internet.

The first reason was as an experiment to see if I could actually discipline myself to writing a blog on a regular basis (after two previous failures). The second reason was a part of my plan to become filthy rich in ten months or less after graduating from college.

I think I've done pretty well with reason number one, and there's still more than seven months left for me to meet the other goal. At the same time, my hit counter keeps going up (luckily I don't think it can go down) and I'm up past 200 now, so that means each post on here has been viewed by an average of two people.

I think it's obvious that a celebration is in order. So, bust out the "Mission Accomplished" banner, and let's have a party!

Since Pseudepigraphic Episemology made its debut on June 16, 2009, (Trivia - for the first week, this blog existed under a different name. What was it?) there have been three distinct stages that this project has gone through. First, there was a complete lack of identity, as I was simply grasping for any story or tidbit that sounded amusing or interesting. In the second stage, the blog became a little too political, as I was trying to dive into serious issues that either everyone else was covering or I didn't know enough about. Now, in the third stage, I am more comfortable with where I'm at. The combination of political and personal anecdotes is more balanced and I think I've found a good mix of longer, analytical posts, and briefs.

Of course, my opinion is likely skewed a bit, so I'm always curious what the readers think as well.

And speaking of the readers, whoever you are, thanks for doing what you do. A particularly big THANK YOU to my two official "followers" (Megan and Allison). Now, get out there, spread the word, and make me famous. I have seven months to be filthy rich, and it's not going to happen on its own.

Finally, in celebration of making it all the way to big number 100, I'm going to make a few changes to the format and color scheme on here. Don't panic, it's still the same great blog that you know and love.

By the way, it was originally called "Kill the Messenger" (as a reference to me working at a newspaper), but I decided that was too angsty/cliche. This name is so much better, even if it might be a little pretentious, but that's how blogs are supposed to be.

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