Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two crazy (and unrelated) things from other blogs

Neither of these things really deserve the attention I'm giving them, but oh well.

First, if you really, really, really hate junk mail, here's a creative idea for how to deal with it. It involves attaching the Business Reply Mail envelop to a heavy object (say, a textbook, or a brick in a box) and then mailing it back to the original sender. Business Reply Mail costs 25 cents an ounce, so you can cost them a pretty hefty amount if you do this on a regular basis.

Then again, I'm not sure if anyone hates junk mail enough to be motivated to do that more than once or twice. Isn't it a lot easier just to throw it out? Thanks to RottingNation for bringing that to my attention.

Second, courtesy of Megan McArdle, apparently there is a Balloon Council. Yes, that's right, a lobby with the stated purpose of "affirming America's ongoing love affair with balloons". Really? I wonder what kind of influence they have. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty tempted to call their toll-free hotline.

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