Thursday, August 13, 2009

MSNBC is unaware the Second Amendment exists

Then again, I wouldn't really expect the most liberal cable news channel to be aware of such an arcane and obviously insignificant article of law as the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I mean, if it was really important it would have been first, right?

Of course, there is the slight problem that these people call themselves "journalists" and yet, rather than reporting on this story, they decided to make it sound like the guy with the gun was the next Timothy McVeigh.

Here's the video evidence.

Notice how, at first, Ron Allen (the correspondent in New Hampshire) is doing his job. He reports that there is concern about the gun, and that he talked to the police about it. The police informed him that this man is allowed to carry the weapon (as long as it is not concealed), and the church grounds where he is protesting gave him permission to bring it.

Then the talking head in the studio (Carlos Watson) interrupts him - raising his voice as if this man has just rushed the President with his gun drawn - to ask why this guy is being allowed to stay there. At which point the reporter on the scene tries to explain by saying (and this is my favorite part):

"Apparently the law allows this man to be here"

Why does the law allow an absolutely crazy guy to have a gun?? Well, maybe because he's actually a law-abiding citizen who has followed the proper legal steps to have a gun, and to carry his gun in public.

Back in the studio, Watson goes on to suggest that maybe some lawyers in New Hampshre can file an emergency injunction to resolve the situation. So apparently he is both completely unaware of the Second Amendment, and foolish enough to believe it can be easily scribbled off the page with a simple injunction.

If only it was that easy, Carlos. I fear for what the Constitution would look like today if people like him were allowed to re-write it anytime they desired.

Now, to be fair, I have to say that this guy (his name is William Costric) probably shouldn't have brought his gun to the rally. Obviously, he did so with the intention of stirring up some attention, and maybe that's not exactly the type of attention you should be stirring know, since the President is coming to town.

But even if he made a bad choice in this situation, in this country he is allowed to make that choice, and no government (or silly liberal news anchor) is allowed to tell him not to bring his guns to town (to paraphrase Johnny Cash).

His day wasn't done. Later, Costric was a guest on Chris Matthews, and he did a fantastic job of keeping his cool and explaining himself while at the same time attacking both parties, challenging Obama's claim to be a "constitutional scholar", and not letting Matthews connect him to the birther movement. Matthews, meanwhile, practically explodes on-air about two minutes in.

Props to my buddy Mike, author of RottingNation, for letting me know about this.

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