Monday, August 17, 2009

Hammer Time?

I can't believe I'm doing a post about reality TV, but this is a little too good to pass up.

Former House Majority Leader (from 2003-2005) Tom Delay, who represented Texas' 22nd district from 1985-2006, will appear on the next season of "Dancing with the Stars". While serving in Congress, DeLay's nickname was "The Hammer" (thank you Mr. Ferris' 8th period senior year Poli-Sci class), so I hope America gets to see a rendition of the famous MC Hammer parachute-pants-dance before DeLay is voted off the show. In other words, he better do it the first week.

Nick Gillespie says this is one more indication that we are all living inside a Philip K. Dick novel, which is just about the best assessment I've heard of this kind of surreal absurdity.

There's no word yet on whether DeLay's received his dancing shoes from Jack Abramoff, but I wouldn't bet against that, either.

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