Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Merkel's got competition

I have long maintained that Angela Merkel is the sexiest international political figure, although my feelings have more to do with her being German than they do with her physical attractiveness or political leanings.

However, this ad -- from German parlimentary candidate Vera Lengsfeld -- might be a little bit too much. By the way, the poster's slogan translates to "We have more to offer". Go ahead and giggle.

So it would seem that 'Merkel the Minx' isn't the only female German politician who thinks she can score a few votes by flaunting what she's got (and yes, she flaunts it, and the Bonn Express loves it).

Am I the only one who thought of this scene from Young Frankenstein immediately? And as a side note, does Teri Garr back then look a lot like Sarah Chalke today, or am I making that up?

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