Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What if you're having sex WITH your roommate?

Tufts University (just outside of Boston) has instituted a new policy that bans "sexual activity while your roommate is present in the room", the AP reports.

So, having sex in a Tufts dorm room is perfectly okay as far as the school is concerned, but your buddy can't watch. Or, you know, have to try and sleep through it.

Here's what Kim Thurler, a spokeswoman for the University, had to say:

""It's really about respect and consideration, and it's a question of how roommates utilized their space," Thurler said....Thurler maintains the new policy is not about regulating students' behavior, rather getting roommates talking about the issue of space with each other. She said the policy is aimed at the school's 5,000 undergraduates."

Freshman Jon Levinson, perhaps a budding libertarian, gave the perspective of the rational part of the student body:

""I don't believe it's the university's place to determine what goes on in a room," said Levinson. "Personally, I wouldn't want to have sex in front of my roommate, and my roommate wouldn't want to have sex in front of me."

Levinson said he didn't think it that many students viewed it as a problem and wondered why the school came up with the policy with just a handful of cases."

I'm not sure if Tufts has mixed housing or not, but regardless, I still have one really obvious question (the title of the post). Also, I have to wonder if this is the first institutionally-enforced "sex-ile" rule.

1 comment:

  1. You're on fire lately, apparently. Rutgers newspaper "The Daily Targum" did a front page story today on the Tufts policy, with commentary on the situation here. For some reason, I can't post the link, but it's at TheDailyTargum.com, entitled "U. content with guest policy amid Tufts' sexile reform." I think Rutgers has a better policy in place--if your rommate complains, have an RA intervene; otherwise, the administration should mind their own business.

    This article makes it sound like sexiling is ALSO banned, so I'm not sure what option students are left with--do rommates have to synch their calendars to determine when the room is free? The good news is, I'm sure there's an app for that.
