Monday, October 19, 2009

U.S. Navy: World Police

The U.S. Navy makes it official: this country's military is no longer for our own defense and protection. Now, we are a "global force for good".

Somehow, I don't see our generals and admirals sitting around to discuss the nature of "the good", but once they figure that out, I'm sure we'll have eternal peace on Earth. Then again, philosophers have been working on that idea for a long time without a lot of objective success, so we might have to fight a few hundred more wars first. So it goes.

In all honesty, I do kind of like the ad. It's cool, the editing is awesome, and I'm all for pumping up the history and spirit of the Armed Forces. I just wish they could change the slogan at the end of it to something that doesn't make my skin crawl.

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