Friday, October 9, 2009

Pseudepigraphic Victories

I've been away from blogging for a little more than a week, in part because I've been away from home and in part because it feels like that I've been writing about an article per night for the Town and Country on the nights that I have been home.

Anyway, maybe taking that time off was just my way of letting the media catch-up with this blog. That's right, Pseudepigraphic Epistemology has once again beaten the professionals on a story. Actually two stories.

Today, the Associated Press has this story about the "stop-and-frisk" program in New York, a subject that was the focus of my latest post on "Why I Hate New York City", back on September 30.

Thanks to reader Meg for bringing it to my attention. She writes:

"+1 to you for picking up on this story in September."

Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but this story on Yahoo! news about NASA's plans to smash a $79 million probe into the side of the Moon. And yes, they are doing it on purpose. I got all sorts of angry (appropriately, I would think) about that idea way back in June.

I think that's +2 for me.

But seriously, wouldn't we be better off if they simply burned (literally) that $79 million. At least then we could use it for warmth. So what if there is ice under the surface of the Moon? Where does that leave us?

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