Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mole Rats Defeat Cancer

File this one under proof that the Universe maintains some kind of balance. Take the Naked Mole Rat, for example. Sure, you might be one of the ugliest creatures on Earth, but on the plus side, you can't get cancer.

That's right, scientists have found that Naked Mole Rats have a unique gene that makes them immune to cancer by stopping the rampant proliferation of cells that makes the disease so deadly. Popular Science has the low-down:

"According to the scientists, the mole rat's cells express a gene that tells cells to stop dividing. The gene, called p16, forms a second ring of defense against cancer. Most mammals, including humans, only have one gene, p27, protecting cells from cancer. And while most cancers know a way around p27, p16 stops them cold."

Popular Science also runs a blog called "Science Confirms the Obvious", which, as the name might imply, details scientific studies that tell you what you already knew. It's actually funnier than it sounds.

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