Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Relax, folks.

Remember that census worker who was found, dead, in Kentucky back in September? He was hung, with his hands bound behind him, and the word "Fed" was scrawled across his chest.

Remember how angry a lot of people were because the perpetrator must be some kind of libertarian/anti-government/census-hating/nutjob? Andrew Sullivan went so far as to declare there was no way this was suicide.

Well, it turns out that the perpetrator was actually Bill Sparkman (the 51-year old census taker) himself. Yup, it was a suicide. Apparently, he had an insurance policy that would not pay if he committed suicide, so he tried to make it look like a heinous crime instead. Obviously, this still is a sad story -- a man took his own life -- but at least he was not the victim of an irrational attack against the wrong kind of target.


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