Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Yemen, the Next Great Threat

Since it appears that Yemen has won the "which-Arab-nation-will-America-stare-down-next" lottery thanks to a few Al-Qaeda guys taking credit for the failed bombing of a airliner in Detroit, perhaps we should take a note from Unqualified Offerings about the potential consequences in facing down yet another country that few Americans could find on a map.

"Since some dudes in Yemen have taken credit for exploding underwear that hurt nobody except the wearer, we have two choices:

1) Snicker and remind them that when you have an explosion in your pants you shouldn’t really go around bragging about it. Especially if you failed to penetrate your target in the process.

2) Start mucking around in yet another Muslim country. I mean, we’re already messing around in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, not to mention financing who the fvck knows what sort of crazy Balochi bandits in rural Iran (although I guess it’s better than undermining the serious opposition movements by offering them aid), doing something or other in Muslim areas of the Philippines, and occasionally messing someone up in the Horn of Africa. Yeah, why not get ourselves yet another mess in a Muslim country? This will work well, I’m sure."


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